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                About us

                Company profile

                Company profile

                Founded in 1990, Shanghai Nongfu Fruit Co., Ltd. has been deeply engaged in the field of imported fruits for nearly 30 years. During the steady development of the company, products such as South American Cheerios, as well as Egyptian, American, South African, Spanish oranges and South African grapefruit have been ranked top in sales in the domestic market for many years.

                In order to respond to the national "One Belt, One Road" call, the company acquired farms and set up factories in northern Chiang Mai, Thailand, and began to grow healthy longan, which was highly concerned by the Guangdong Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Department of Agriculture and other government departments. 2015 to obtain the official authorization of Walt Disney fruit industry, determined to become the fruit industry "In 2019, the import volume reached 4,000+ containers (40 feet standard container), with more than 100 varieties and sales of over 870 million yuan.

                Our Mission

                Our Mission



                Let the fruit be safe and fun to eat!



                Create a leading brand of high-end fruits in China Global resources to become a leading enterprise in the fruit industry!



                Talent concept: People are the best, virtues are the best.
                Service concept: customer's requirements are met is our
                The value of our existence.
                Management philosophy: scientific management, standardized process, quality first.
                Product philosophy: effect is the only standard for testing products

                OUR CORE VALUES


                Integrity    pragmatic    Self-improvement    Innovation

                Development History

                The development course

                • 1983 Established

                  Founder enters the fruit industry
                • 1987Year

                  Wear is a person engaged in domestic apple trade in Zhejiang area
                • 1990Year

                  After 7 years of hard work, officially established a professional fruit trading company
                • 1993Year

                  Strategic transformation of the company to become the first group of traders engaged in the import of fruit trade
                • 1995Year

                  Established Guangzhou Branch
                • 1997Year

                  Developing Southeast Asian markets
                • 2000Year——2005Year

                  Develop South American, North American and European markets one after another
                • 2007Year

                  Started banana trade in cooperation with Philippine companies
                • 2013Year

                  Acquired farms and set up factories in northern Chiang Mai, Thailand, and began growing and processing longan
                • 2014Year

                  Seize the opportunity of the Internet, online and offline multi-channel development
                • 2015Year

                  Officially licensed by Walt Disney
                • 2017Year

                  Thailand Branch--Taiwason Trading Co., Ltd. won "Asia's Best Brand Award".
                • 2018Year

                  The company establishes a Thai company called "Jeonggiang".
                • 2019Year

                  China-Vietnaestablished the first container cold chain (Pingxiang-Shanghai) train, Nongfu debuted the company updated its corporate image, redesigned its corporate logo and changed its English name The company set up stalls in Linyi, Jiaxing and other places
                • 2020Year

                  The company set up a joint venture stall with Shun Guo in Xinfa Di, Hebei