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                Contact us

                Contact Us

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                Contact Us

                Shanghai Nongfu Fruit Products Co.Established in 1990, the company has been deeply engaged in the field of imported fruits for nearly 30 years. During the steady development of the company, products such as South American Cheerios, as well as Egyptian, American, South African, Spanish oranges and South African grapefruit have been among the top sellers in the domestic market for many years.

                Sales category

                Foreign trade category

                Social Recruitment

                Social recruitment:All candidates who are willing to apply for the position of Shanghai Nongfu Fruit Co., Ltd. can learn about the requirements of specific positions and job requirements through Nongfu's official website or through channels such as WiseLink Recruitment and MileagePlus, etc. They can also consult with the staff of Nongfu's Human Resources Administration Department by phone for more information about the position.


                Campus Recruitment

                Social recruitment:All candidates who are willing to apply for the position of Shanghai Nongfu Fruit Co., Ltd. can learn about the requirements of specific positions and job requirements through Nongfu's official website or through channels such as WiseLink Recruitment and MileagePlus, etc. They can also consult with the staff of Nongfu's Human Resources Administration Department by phone for more information about the position.


                 Room 201-202, Building 2, No.1688 Yongnan Road                  Minhang District, Shanghai



                 +86 13901632089
